These Guidelines and our Terms and Conditions are designed to ensure every Guest has a safe and stellar experience on Oromoon. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in losing access to our platform.
If you don’t own the rights to a photo or video, please refrain from posting. We respect copyright laws.
Oromoon is a dynamic community.Please remember to respect other people’s beliefs, interests, and property while on Oromoon (and beyond). Oromoon takes a strong stance against hate speech, racism, rude or abusive behavior, misogyny, bullying, and homophobia. Please behave and treat others with respect on Oromoon. We also encourage all of our Guests to report anyone who doesn’t follow these behavioral guidelines. We want our Guests to engage in deeper connections, learn new perspectives, and send kind, relevant messages to their matches. As a community rooted in mindfulness and gratitude, we encourage our Guests show up as themselves and respect the process.
Please do not post photos that are not of you...everyone wants to get to know the real you.
Play it cool, illegal activity won’t be tolerated on Oromoon.This may result in banning you from the site and/or report you to the authorities if you engage in illegal activity.
Oromoon isn’t a place to sell your things, please don’t utilize it as a material marketplace or we’ll have to part ways.
Oromoon is for humans aged18+. We don’t allow children to be alone in photos as representatives of their parents on Oromoon; they have to be in the photo with an adult. All children must be completely clothed; it’s safer for the children and their parents.
Thanks for reading this through, we think you’re going to enjoy our App a little better now. If you ignore these Guidelines, you’ll receive a warning; unless our team blocks you without a warning, at our discretion. If this warning is ignored, you risk losing your account. Nothing but love, these Guidelines are designed to make Oromoon a safe space for all of our Guests.
Now, let's begin that love resume of yours. ✨